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On Demand: Keys to Energizing Safety

On Demand: Keys to Energizing Safety

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What do people in your company think about Safety? As boring, unexciting or even exhausting? Do they woodenly go through the Safety motions, rather than being vibrantly interested and stimulated? Do they basically see Safety is an unfortunate requirement, a pain in the posterior that’s mostly an obstacle to accomplishing their “real” work? Energy is essential for fueling highest-level Safety performance and culture throughout an organization. The right kind and sustained level of energy can propel momentum and actions to previously unforeseen heights (assuming – but going beyond - a base of policies and procedures, supportive structures, and consistent attention.) This webinar, based on over 3 decades working with larger, high-performance global companies, provides both practical strategies and methods for actually raising and sustaining Safety energy, enthusiasm, interest and engagement.
  • List Price: $99.00
  • Member Price: $85.00
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What You Will Learn

Identifying 4 Safety energy “myths” to overcome Understanding 3 critical steps for Energizing Safety Seeing 10 signs of Organizational Safety Energy Sliding or Atrophying Assessing 10 Signs of Organizational Safety Energy Rising Planning for 7 practical strategies for energizing...
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