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Pandemic Challenges: How to Return to Work Safely

Pandemic Challenges: How to Return to Work Safely

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Recorded August, 2023. This course series is developed with funding from OSHA under Susan Harwood training grant and offers guidance on how to effectively advance workplace safety and health by identifying and preventing infectious diseases including COVID-19. The training is led by well-known experts. Consider registering for all courses or select the topic most valuable to you and your team.

Occupational safety and health professionals (OSH) play a key role in bringing employees and contractors back into the workplace following pandemics such as COVID-19. Gain information and review examples of practices OSH professionals can use to help their organization resume operations and safely return people to a traditional work environment. Use practical examples of how to conduct a hazard assessment to create a plan for your workplace to effectively identify and mitigate hazards and return to work safely.

  • List Price: Free
Item Details:

What You Will Learn

  • Review how to effectively conduct a risk assessment Review how to effectively conduct a risk assessment
  • Create a written return-to-work plan
  • Assess facilities and physical assets
  • Identify entry requirements
  • Prepare your team to return
  • Examine importance of social...
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