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ANSI B11.13-2020 Safety Requirements for Single–Spindle or Multiple–Spindle Automatic Bar and Chucking Machines  (digital only)

ANSI B11.13-2020 Safety Requirements for Single–Spindle or Multiple–Spindle Automatic Bar and Chucking Machines (digital only)

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The purpose of this standard is to establish safety requirements with respect to the design, construction, safeguarding, and use of single-spindle or multiple-spindle automatic bar and chucking machines. An additional purpose of this standard is to assign safety and risk reduction responsibilities for both the supplier and user.

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  • List Price: $99.00
Item Details:

The primary objective of this standard is to eliminate, control or reduce hazards to individuals associated with Multiple Spindle Automatic Bar and Chucking Machines by establishing requirements for the design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of...

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